Israel Highlights

The Alexander Muss High School in Israel campus is located in Hod HaSharon.

The AMHSI campus is located in Hod HaSharonMt. Gilboa - hike down the mountain, stopping at the site of King Saul’s final battle
Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem – explore the history of the Jewish relationship with Jerusalem, focusing on the 2nd Temple period
Climb Masada
Float in the Dead Sea
Tzfat – hike Nahal Yehudia, Banias Nature Walk, tour synagogues, meet with Tzfat artists
Tel Aviv – enjoy Israel’s first city, its vast cultural institutions, historical sites, markets, art galleries and the beach
Gadna – five days on a military base getting a glimpse of what Israeli young adults their age experience
Beit Shemesh – Washington D.C. area Partnership 2000 sister area
Visit the Atlit Detention Camp
Camel rides at Bedouin Hafla
Haifa – explore multi-cultural Israel with a look at Jewish-Arab relations in this joint city
Work on designated volunteer projects throughout Israel
Yam L’Yam – Four day hike from Sea to Sea across northern Israel: from the Kinneret to the Mediterranean
Negev – Sde Boker, Bedouin Community – hike through Israel’s vast desert, learning survival techniques and discussing the environment; meet with local Bedouin community; roll down the sand dunes
Eilat – boat ride, snorkeling, hiking in Israel’s most southern city, located on the Red Sea