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CESJDS Tuition Calculator

Step 1: Income

Select your taxable household income.

Step 2: CESJDS Students

How many of your children will attend CESJDS next year? (Please choose only the number of CESJDS students you will enroll next year. Do not include other children or dependents.)

This tuition calculator is for the purpose of estimating only.

No personal information is captured by this calculator.

Apply for Tuition Assistance

Some examples of circumstances that impact the tuition assistance decision include:

  • Additional children in preschool or other Jewish day schools
  • Significant, unreimbursed medical expenses or special needs support costs
  • Eldercare responsibilities
  • Change in income or employment status
  • Significant savings, investment properties, or trust funds
  • Parents who have chosen not to work (and are neither disabled nor caring for small children or other dependents)
  • Receiving significant gifts or support from relatives or others

The tuition assistance program was not designed to underwrite:

  • Cost of Senior Trip (Separate assistance is available for the trip)
  • Lifestyle choices that make paying tuition difficult, like homes, cars, vacations, and summer camps that are above standard allowances
  • College costs (in limited circumstances, certain factors may be included in the decision)

We welcome conversations with current and prospective parents about their unique financial situations. Please contact Orna Siegel, Director of Enrollment and Tuition Assistance at to schedule a phone call or personal meeting.