Shelli Putterman-Kenett
Hebrew language and Israeli culture are integral parts of our school and community, both inside and outside of the classroom.
Our goals are:
- To provide opportunities for students to acquire the languages and cultural competencies.
- To expand the scope and sequence of the curriculum based on proficiency-oriented courses that engage students in various activities.
- To enhance interpersonal, presentational, and interpretive modes of communication.
Core Skills
- Reading and understanding authentic text
- Written expression
- Speaking
- Listening and understanding
Beginners - Novice
Introductory course to Hebrew Language, focused on the basic skills of the language.
6th Grade
A study of the foundations of Hebrew language, vocabulary and communicative skills focused around the themes of Shalom, Family, Home, Animals and Hobbies.
7th Grade
A study of Hebrew language, vocabulary and communicative skills focused around the themes of familiar surroundings. The intermediate level course focuses around the theme of shorashim/roots.
8th Grade
A study of Hebrew language, vocabulary and communicative skills focused around the core theme of friendship and responsibility.
Heritage Hebrew
Based in the national curriculum designed by the Israeli Ministry of Education, Heritage learners maintain and grow their facility with Hebrew literature and language in preparation for a return to Israel.