
The Advisory Program provides our students with an opportunity to learn and practice the value of k’hillah/community by contributing as active members of the CESJDS High School family.  The advisory curriculum fosters the development of character, connection and community. Advisory provides an additional learning space where students gain the skills to be productive, active citizens at our school and in the broader communities, and to practice important skills needed to be successful high school students.

Consisting of 8-10 students and led by a trusted faculty member who serves as a valuable resource and support for the group, advisory meets twice a week throughout the entire school year. During advisory, birthdays and other milestones are celebrated as well as important announcements delivered. Advisors encourage students to share and learn skills with and from peers in their grade they might otherwise not get to know. Advisors create a safe setting where students have the opportunity to articulate concerns and discuss issues important to the school community.